Why I Chose Fathom Analytics instead of Google Analytics

Fathom Analytics vs. Google Analytics

I use Fathom Analytics to track users on every website and landing page I build.

Unlike Google Analytics, it's not free. I also get far less data from Fathom.

I happily pay $14/month for less data.

Fathom Analytics is far more simple. I don't get distracted by going down rabbit holes looking for "insights" or vanity metrics. I also don't invade my readers' privacy with cross-site tracking or cookies.

The interface itself can be understood in a single glance. Once I look at my metrics, I move on with my day to create more content. Knowing where my users came from and how long they stayed is more than enough data to understand my audience.

Data overload isn't valuable. It's overwhelming and distracting.


  • Simple interface
  • Beautiful design
  • Easy to setup
  • Simple goal tracking
  • Privacy focused
  • No cookie popups required
  • Multiple sites on one account/subscription
  • Doesn't mess with SEO


  • Paid
  • Not enough data for larger organizations with complex ad campaigns

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